Common Commands

The following commands are sure to be commonly used. Be sure to check out Advanced Commands if you are curious about less-commonly-used functionality.


Commands marked with an asterisk can be ran from either an issue folder, or from within a folder containing many issue folders.

In the latter case, the command will be ran for every subordinate issue folder.

clone <source>

Requires a single parameter (source) indicating what to clone.

Possible forms include:

  • clone http://my.jira.server/browse/MYISSUE-1024 [PATH]
  • clone MYISSUE-1024 [PATH] (will use default Jira instance)

Create a new issue folder for MYISSUE-1024 (replace MYISSUE-1024 with an actual Jira issue number), and clone the relevant issue into this folder.

Note that you may specify a full URL pointing to an issue, but if you do not specify a full URL, your default Jira instance will be used; if you have not yet set one, you will be asked to specify one.

Although by default, the issue will be cloned into a folder matching the name of the issue, you may specify a path into which the issue should be cloned by specifying an additional parameter (PATH in the example forms above).

preview [<field name>]

Render the content of the field named field_name via your Jira instance’s Wiki Markup renderer. This is useful for helping you ensure that your wiki markup is correct and previewing content generated by any macro plugins you might be using. If no field name is specified, a message overview will be displayed showing you a preview of the message description, summary, new comment, and historical comments.

Note that you can also access subkeys in fields containing JSON by using a dotpath, and can render the following special fields:

  • new_comment: The formatted contents of your unsubmitted comment.
  • comments: The comments for this issue.


Commit outstanding changes, push them to the remote server, and pull outstanding changes.

This is exactly equivalent to running a commit followed by a push.


From within an issue folder, commits local changes and marks them for submission to Jira next time push is run.


Unlike git (but like mercurial), you do not need to stage files by running a command analogous to git’s ‘add’ before committing. The commit operation will automatically commit changes to all un-committed files.

pull *

From within an issue folder, fetches remote changes from Jira and merges the changes into your local copy. This command is identical to running fetch followed by merge.

push *

From within an issue folder, discovers any local changes, and pushes your local changes to Jira.

status *

From within an issue folder, will report both any changes you have not yet committed, as well as any changes that would take place were you to run jirafs push.

open *

From within an issue folder, opens the current Jira issue in your default web browser.

subtask <summary>

From within an issue folder, creates a new subtask of the current Jira issue.

assign [<username>]

Change the assignee of the Jira issue to the username specified. If one does not specify a username, the assignee will be set to the currently authenticated user.


From within an issue folder, allows you to transition an issue into any state available in your workflow.

Possible forms include:

  • transition: The user will be presented with state options for selection at runtime.
  • transition 10: Transition into the state with the ID of ‘10’.
  • transition "closed": Transition into the state with the name “closed”. Note that state names are case-insensitive.


Note that the options available are dependent upon the user account used for authentication.