Getting Started


It is recommended that you install the program using pip while in a Python 3 virtualenv; you can install using pip by running:

pip install jirafs

After Jirafs successfully installs, you’ll have access to the jirafs command that you can use for interacting with Jira.

Working with a Jira issue

First, you’ll need to “clone” the issue you want to work with using Jirafs by running the following (replacing http://my.jira.server/browse/MYISSUE-1024 with the issue url you are concerned about):

jirafs clone http://my.jira.server/browse/MYISSUE-1024

The first time you run this command, Jirafs will ask you for a series of details that it will use for communicating with Jira; don’t worry: although all of this information will be stored in a plaintext file at ~/.jirafs_config, Jirafs will not store your password unless you give it permission to do so.

Once the command runs successfully, it will have created a new folder named after the issue you’ve cloned, and inside that folder it will place a series of text files representing the issue’s contents in Jira as well as copies of all attachments currently attached to the issue in Jira.

The following text files are created:

  • fields.jira: This file will show all currently-set field values for this Jira issue (except fields written to their own files; see description.jira below). You can change field values here by editing the field values in the file. See Editing Issue Fields for more information.
  • description.jira: This file will show the issue’s current description. You can change the issue’s description by editing the contents of this file.
  • links.jira: This file lists all of the links associated with this Jira issue. You can add new links (or remove links) by adding or removing bulleted items from this list; see Adding, Removing or Changing Links for more information.
  • comments.read_only.jira: This file shows all comments currently posted to this issue. Note that you cannot edit the comments in this file.
  • new_comment.jira: This file starts out empty, but if you would like to add a new comment, you can create one by entering text into this file.

In order to update any of the above data or upload an asset, either make the change to a field in fields.jira, edit the issue’s description in description.jira, write a comment into new_comment.jira, or copy a new asset into this folder, then run:

jirafs status

to see both what changes you’ve marked as ready for being submitted to Jira as well as which changes you have made, but not yet committed.


Unlike when working with a git repository, you do not need to ‘stage’ files using a command analogous to git’s “add” command when working with a Jira issue using Jirafs. All uncommitted files will automatically be included in any commit made.

Once you’re satisfied with the changes that are about to be submitted to Jira, run:

jirafs submit


jirafs submit really just runs jirafs commit followed by jirafs push (which itself runs jirafs pull to get your local copy up-to-date with what it saw in Jira), so although jirafs submit is probably the path you want to take, feel free to use the lower-level more-git-like commands if you want.

Please consider this to be just a simple overview – there are a variety of other commands you can run to have finer-grained control over how the issue folder is synchronized with Jira; see Common Commands for more details.


If you are a VIM user, there is a VIM Plugin available that provides syntax highlighting for Jira/Confluence’s wikimarkup.

Editing Issue Fields

In most cases, you can simply edit the field’s contents directly – just make sure to indent the field contents by four spaces.

For text fields, editing field contents is as simple as typing-in a new value, but many issue fields are are JSON dictionaries or lists that require you to edit the data in a more-structured way. If the data you enter is not valid JSON, when push-ing up changes, you will receive an error, but don’t worry – if you encounter such an error, edit the contents to be valid JSON, commit, and push again. You may need to consult with Jira’s documentation to develop an understanding of how to change these values.


You don’t always need to enter values for every field in a JSON dictionary; in some cases, Jira will infer the missing information for you.


One of the most powerful features of Jirafs is how it can make your workflow vastly easier if you commonly need to do things like insert tables or graphs or charts in your issues. There are a handful of macros available on PyPI including:

  • jirafs-csv-table: Makes it easy for you to include tables in your Jira issue by just referencing a local CSV file.
  • jirafs-graphviz: Make it easy for you to include graphviz charts generated with programs like dot or neato into your Jira issue by typing your graph descriptions directly into your macro content.